Waikato and Thames Hospital Redevelopment
RDT Pacific worked with Waikato District Health Board (now Te Whatu Ora – Waikato) on the redevelopment of Waikato and Thames Hospitals.
The scope of the project included developing Site Master Plans for constructing new facilities as well as refurbishing existing buildings on congested and operational sites.
A key part of this process involved the conversion of the Clinical Services Plan into Models of Care which could subsequently be interpreted into an accommodation schedule to guide the Master Planning team.
As well as facilitating workshops to inform the planning team, our engagement required the management of a large and technically diverse team to develop the Site Master Plan and the Business Case to support the capital investment required.
RDT Pacific provided Project Management and Cost Management/Quantity Surveying services for the engagement as well as managing the development of the Site Master Plan and Business Case.
The Site Master Planning and Business Case process set a new standard for the way in which large health sector campus redevelopment programmes are planned. Development of service plans preceded any consideration of facilities to ensure that form followed function.
Extract from Waikato Times, April 2004) quoting the Minister of Health, Annette King:Ms King applauded the board’s proposal, saying it survived rigorous scrutiny, and the final plan was “excellent”. “I am impressed that great thought has been given to the way the campus redevelopment at both hospitals reflects the new ways of organising, integrating and delivering services across the region”.